• Image of Wonk Unit, Thirty Six Strategies, Meansteed, There are Ghosts (12th April 2014)

The Scary Clown Presents....

The Nervous Racehorse Tour arrives in Stamford. Wonk Unit are back with a new album (which you can buy at this and indulge in one of their superior range of T shirts) and their Hard Rocking (stable)mates MEANSTEED. Thirty Six Strategies are also playing and feature legends of the uk Punk scene like Know-it-all Ian Glasper. So bring your interrogation lamps to Mama Liz's on 12th April for a fun packed night of Punk Rock and head banging, yeeeeeee haaaawww! Noisesmiths There Are Ghosts open proceedings by making your ears bleed. This is going to be SWANKY!

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